Internet access for ORT Forestry School in Guin


28 April 2004 Through a satellite system provided by USAID, the ORT International Cooperation Forestry School (ENATEF) in Mamou, Republic of Guin e, now has email and Internet access. USAID donated the satellite system to ORT ICD at a cost of over $30,000. The National Forestry School, established with the support of Swiss Aid, trains Forestry Technicians Agents in the field of rural development with widely varied roles. More than 150 technicians have graduated from the three year course and have gone on to work in the private sector on internationally financed projects, the timber business in the forests of Guinea or in the private forestry business. The school also counts amongst its students, adults sent by the government and non-governmental organisations. Guin ean Minister of Vocational Training Minister, Ibrahima Soumah; Deputy Director of USAID, Tom Crubaugh and Principal of the ICD Forestry School, Alhassane Balde. Over the last 10 years more than 5,000 adults have taken part in ENATEFS short courses in community forest and extension, forestry and arboriculture, agriculture production, forest management and agriculture (crop husbandry). Currently a number of refresher courses are being implemented, including those for farmers, vegetable and fruit producers, rural development and forestry technicians. ENATEF is the only institution in Mamou – a town of approximately 100,000 residents, some 300km from the countrys capital city, Conakry – with a link to email and the internet. The mission of ORT International Cooperation is to encourage social and economic development through the provision of training and education. International Cooperation projects provide training and technical assistance in new schools to enable both individuals and organisations to meet the needs of an evolving society and workplace and rapidly changing technology.