ORT Goes forth to the GA


PLEASE NOTE THAT THE OFFICIAL ORT GA WEBSITE IS:http://ga2k.ortamerica.org LIVE WEBCASTS AND ARCHIVED VIDEOS. YOU CAN ALSO GO DIRECTLY TO THE VIDEO PAGES: http://ga2k.ort.org.il/vod/live . A product of collaboration between American ORT, Women.s American ORT, ORTIsrael, ORT Canada, and ORT Operations USA will provide an excitingexperience for the participants of the General Assembly of the UnitedJewish Communities of North America taking place in Chicago on November10-15, 2000. ORT has, for the third year, been asked to provide technologicalsponsorship for the GA by setting up all Internet services at theconvention site. At the ORT Information Booth, ORT will provide a glimpse of multimediapresentations of ORT activities in North America, Israel, and around the>world on both video and CD-ROM, as well as profile Navigating the Bible and distribute a variety of printed materials. In the same booth ORT Israel students will exhibit their abilities inoperating an industrial robotic arm and a computer-controlled laboratory. Across the aisle, students of the Zarem/Golde ORT Institute, a program ofORT Operations USA, will assist GA participants wishing to use the Internetto surf, check e-mail or experience the medium for the first time, at theORT Cyber Center. ORT Israel students will be in charge of digitizing the video images andproviding the web interface for the entire GA and the world. On Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, November 12, 13 and 14 at 7:30 a.m., GAparticipants from key Partnership 2000 communities will be invited to meetORT Israel students, both in attendance in Chicago and by the way of videoconferencing. Each day new ORT Israel community students will be on the airfor a live discussion and chat. A newcomer to the GA is the Waving Wall. The GA crowd will be invited to pose and have their photos taken by a digital camera. Later they will beable to add a personal message and e-mail the photo to their friends and family. The whole process will be performed by ORT Israel students. Robert L. Kern National Communications Director American ORT 817 Broadway,New York, NY 10003 rkern@aort.org (212) 353-5828 or (800) 364-9678 ext. 828Fax: (212) 353-5888