ORT Israel students aim high at technology competitions


8 May 2002 On 21 April, the ORT Henry Ronson School in Ashkelon won First Prize in the International High School Robotics Contest held at Hartford University in Connecticut. This is the fourth contest of the like in which Israel was represented, but it is the first time that ORT Ronson took part. The school qualified for the competition after placing second in the Israeli Ruboner 2002 National Contest, held at Ben Gurion University in Beer Sheva. The group of students designed and built a robot, that can move independently. During the exhibition the team demonstrated how the robot moves and can extinguish a lit candle. The team from the ORT Givat Ram College in Jerusalem was awarded second prize in the same category. Of the achievement, National Director of ORT Israel Zvi Peleg, said: “This distinguished honour is an enormous achievement for the ORT Ronson as well as a great source of pride for the ORT Israel Network and the State of Israel.” On 2 May, Alon Cohen from the ORT Givat Ram College in Jerusalem won first prize for practical engineering at an exhibition held by Tel Aviv University’s Engineering Department. Alon’s invention would enable patients in advanced stages of paralysis to use their lips and tongues to control wheel chair steering and motion. He was awarded a partial tuition scholarship to attend the Tel Aviv University Engineering Department . Other first-prize winners include Arye Arbitman from ORT Ronson Afridar College in Ashkelon, who won in the technicians category, and Eyal Weinberger from the ORT Hermelin ORT College in Netanya, who won in the military operation category. Also on 2 May, The National Mechatronics Model Building Contest was held at the Technion in Haifa. ORT Cramim in Karmiel won second place, and ORT Schein in Rehovot won third place. ** for printable versions of these photographs, please email your request to archive@ort.org**