WO Next Generation NEW Event – Jan 2007


The World ORT Next Generation Initiative Seminar will take place on 27th, 28th and 29th January 2007 in Geneva, Switzerland. We hope that you will join us . The seminar will include meetings with key leaders and professionals, you will gain further insight into the important work of ORT and, in true ORT style, you will be offered further skills ….. in fundraising, communication and leadership. You will spend time with ORT leaders from around the globe at the World ORT Board of Directors meeting and have time, to meet with and interact with ORT students from Rome, France, Israel, Kazan, Kishinev, Argentina, Uruguay, Mexico and Chile. PLEASE RESERVE THESE DATES World ORTs Next Generation Initiative mantra is to ‘think globally but act locally’. Whilst we are using much expressed clich s – the most important priority for us is to be able to offer you the resources and backup to help promote ORT to your local community. Playing a role in ORT’s future is a privilege – with your support and participation we will continue to build strong foundations for the future.

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